Friday, December 16, 2011

Challenge Completed

The Carolina Wholesale Biggest Loser Weight Loss Challenge concluded Friday, December 9, and while my team came in 2nd place, I still have reasons to be proud of the results.

Final Weigh-in: 196.4 lbs

Final Weigh-in: 196.4 lbs

I lost a total of 19.2 lbs overall, which is 4.2 lbs over my weight loss goal, and 4th overall in terms of individual weight loss. Those above me lost 31.8 (!), 27.6 and 24.5 lbs, respectively. Collectively, the 21 participants lost a total of 216.6 lbs. That's about a pound more than my starting weight, meaning we lost an entire "Me".

I have posted a chart of my weekly results below:

Just because the challenge is over doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying to lose weight. The company is planning on doing another weight loss challenge that awards points for exercising and maintaining your current weight, among other things. I'm not sure yet if I will participate, but I would still like to get my weight down to 185 and maintain it while trying to live a healthier lifestyle.

Thanks for reading about the Weight Loss Challenge. Hope you've enjoyed it. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Well Done Victor! Cheers to living a healthier lifestyle!
