Monday, November 7, 2011

Double Digits

So I lost 2.6 lbs this week which puts me at 12.2 lbs under my initial weight. Double digits! And now I'm less than 3 pounds away from my goal with 5 weeks left.

8th Weigh-in: 203.4 lbs

I'm encouraged that I was able to drop over 2 lbs this week after seemingly hitting the wall. This gives me confidence that I can continue to shed the pounds and not just reach my goal of 15 lbs, but possibly exceed it.

We're headed to The Lodge tonight, one of my favorite MNF spots, and I will be treating myself to a bison burger, tots and a few brews (Fact: I would have treated myself regardless of today's weigh-in, but at least now I won't feel guilty about it). Let's go Eagles!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Victor! Hope you had a great time last night at The Lodge!
