Monday, September 19, 2011

Challenge Accepted

A few co-workers have decided to create a Biggest Loser Challenge at my work, a 12 week challenge designed to help motivate employees to lose weight and promote a healthier lifestyle. I have created this blog to chronicle my experiences during the 12 week period and, hopefully, create some public accountability for myself during the challenge. Here are the challenge details:
  • The challenge will begin on September 19th and end on December 12 (which happens to fall 2 days after my 29th birthday - a good motivator to lose weight)
  • Participating employees will pay $10 to join the challenge
  • The first weigh-in will be on September 19th and participants will be divided up into groups of 3 based on weight
  • Confidential weigh-ins will occur weekly and the total % of weight lost, based on original starting weights, will be recorded together as a team number
  • At the end of 12 weeks, the team that loses the highest % of weight will win the entree fee money
  • There is no stipulation about paying money back if you regain weight after the challenge ends
With the opportunity to lose some excess weight, eat healthier, exercise more often, feel better about myself and possibly earn some cash, how could I resist?

In the words of the venerable Barney Stinson...Challenge accepted.

"Challenge Accepted." - Barney Stinson

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